
Gotu Kola – Ancient Ayurveda alchemised

This dainty little herb (related to parsley) has been used for centuries in traditional Indonesian, Chinese, and Ayurvedic medicine. As we all presumed, they were definitely onto something. Not only is it absolutely incredible inside the body - especially for the brain and cognitive function, but it is just as phenomenal when applied on our [...]

Getting Giddy Over Gua Sha – The Resurgence Of A Tradition

How to Gua Sha with Dollar Hippy Club! As you know we have just introduced our traditional jade Gua Sha to the Dollar Hippy Club range. We love the therapeutic effects of this traditional skincare tool - think lymphatic drainage, increased blood flow and overall skin health, but we also love the mindfulness element attached [...]

Masques that maketh the skin (happy)

Why make the time to use a masque? There are so many elements that maketh a masque (or mask - depends on how fancy you're feeling) great. It's not just down to ingredients, nor is it just the products textural considerations and it's not just how it leaves the skin feeling post removal. It's a [...]

Hemp Seed Oil – why you’re going to want this ingredient in your skincare regime.

  Let's Get Real About Hemp Seed Oil -Β  Let’s be real, hemp seed oil in all its antioxidant goodness isn’t going anywhere fast. However, before we start banging on about the glory of this healing oil, we want to clarify one key point. While hemp and cannabis plants are technically the same species, they [...]